Opera Arte Numana - Opera_Arte_eng

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NUMANA: a mix of fun and tradition
Awarded the European Blue Flag for its white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and unique scenary, Numana is one of the most beautiful towns of the Conero Riviera. It can be said that Numana has two souls: a picturesque one represented by the upper city “Numana Alta” and a lively one in the lower city “Numana Bassa” which runs along the seafront stretching up to the beaches of Marcelli.

The historical town centre of Numana winds along narrow streets and typical fishermen houses overlooking the sea. Thanks to its position, Numana is like a panoramic terrace facing the Conero Riviera coastline. Going down from the city centre through the “Costarella”, an ancient staircase that fishermen used every morning at dawn, you can reach the city harbor. The lower city is more modern and lively, with many different clubs and bars to spend your summer evenings.

Numana has its roots in the Neolithic era when the first human settlements were founded. Artifacts of this ancient past are collected in the “Antiquarium Statale”, the local archeological museum. Another item of artistic and historical value is the “SS. Crocifisso” Sanctuary that hosts the miraculous Byzantine wooden crucifix which, according to the tradition, was made by those who removed the body of Christ from the Cross.

description from the website: www.rivieradelconero.info
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